Growing faith
Changing lives
Forming leaders
Legendary counselor Bob McCulley and his cabin crew in 1981, including Pastor Dave Kerkove (South Waterloo) second from left.
CPL is building an endowment through
our 2021 Capital Campaign.
Our goal is $1,000,000 by 2023.
From the Camp Director
Dear Friends of Camp Pine Lake,
The goal of this three-year campaign is to place our beloved
camp on a firm financial footing. We want to communicate to
you why that’s desirable… and also necessary.
The success of this campaign and the continuation of our camp as a “thin place between heaven and earth” rests in all our hands. We need and invite your prayers for our camp. We would also like to hear your stories of how Camp Pine Lake has impacted your life.
And please, consider a financial gift to the camp to ensure that it will continue to grow faith, change lives and form leaders.
Together we can make this happen!
For Christ and the church,
Betsy Kuecker, Camp Director
Campaign Q & A
How will the campaign proceeds be invested?
100% of the money raised will be invested in perpetuity with Brethren Benefit Trust. The principle will never be touched. Each year a maximum of 5% can be withdrawn, but only then if the account earns a minimum of 5%. For example, if the annual return of the account is:
· 2%, 2% can be withdrawn.
· 5%, 5% can be withdrawn.
· more than 5%, 5% can be withdrawn.
· 0% or less, no funds can be withdrawn.
This strategy ensures that the fund amount will stay the same or increase, never decrease.
Hasn't the camp received large gifts recently?
Yes, the camp has received significant gifts from the Patterson and the Helen Cook estates This latter gift has funded much-needed improvements in the kitchen as well as the construction of a new equipment shed. It will also help fund the bath house improvements. The former was invested and has been primarily used to cover shortfalls in operating expenses. At the current rate of withdrawal, this fund will be depleted in five or six years.
For what purpose will campaign investments be used?
Primarily for staffing and programming. These are the main ingredients for any successful camping experience and the largest items in the camp’s budget.
How long will the campaign last?
The campaign is scheduled to last for three years or until the 2023 Northern Plains District Conference. There is flexibility, however. Gifts can be structured to fit a schedule chosen by the donor. For example, a $20,000 gift can be spread over 10 years. But only $6,000 (or 3 years of giving) would count toward the goal.
What is the goal of the 3-year campaign?
One million dollars. This would add a maximum of $50,000 in revenue per year, enabling Camp Pine Lake to grow faith, change lives and grow leaders throughout the 21st century and beyond.