Senior Youth: Grades 9-12

Start: Monday, July 7, 10 a.m.
End: Saturday, July 12, 10 a.m.
Grades completed: 9-12
Fees: $350
Senior Youth camp is a bonding and personal experience like no other. The five-night stay is designed to create a safe space for all to develop a greater understanding of God, self and our world.
Senior Youth can expect meaningful small and large group discussions, leadership roles and service opportunities like a day with Des Moines Refugee Support and helping host the Eldora Migrant Welcome Meal. This summer's camp will also help complete the new mural on the side of Timberline craft lodge.
We also have lots of camp fun like daily hikes, swimming, slip n' slide, group games and more. Every night closes with a campfire and night games are always a favorite. Senior Youth also take the next step with a canoe trip down the Iowa River.
Our Senior Youth campers are encouraged to pursue a Counselor-in-Training experience at our Day Camp or Middler (grades 3-5) Overnight Camp. Contact us for details: